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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I reserve a birthday party?Yes, check out our private events page to schedule an event. Please Note Our Birthday Party Policy: Out of respect for all guests and the capabilities of our space, we are unable to accommodate birthday parties in our public areas. If you are interested in having a birthday party at the museum, check out our Private Events webpage and connect with our Outreach Team to reserve our Culinary Studio where we are able to accommodate celebrations. Private Events include a designated space for your party and museum admission.
Is there a space where I can privately breastfeed or pump?We are very excited to announce the addition of the Quiet Room at the Children's Museum. Located on the second floor inside of The Makery, our Quiet Room is open for caregivers needing privacy to feed. Please stop by our front desk for more information. Sponsored by the Medford Woman's Clinic.
Where are your bathrooms located?Our bathrooms are located on the second floor near the Water Lab exhibit.
Are there drinking fountains?Drinking fountains and a water bottle fill-station is available inside the Museum near the restrooms. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
Can I schedule a field trip or group visit?Yes, we are now scheduling field trips for groups with 10 or more children. Click here for more information >
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